Here is the code to calculate the CRC32 for as used by Sinocastel.
This code was tested in Visual Studio 2013. Just create a new console application and copy the following.
Imports System.Text
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim btarray As Byte()
btarray = {&H40, &H40, &H1E, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, _
&H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, _
&H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H12, &HE}
Do While True 'Wait forever
End Sub
Public Class Crc32
Shared table As UInteger()
Shared Sub New()
Dim poly As UInteger = &H8408UI 'Starting polynomial used by Sinocastel
table = New UInteger(255) {}
Dim temp As UInteger = 0
For i As UInteger = 0 To table.Length - 1
temp = i
For j As Integer = 8 To 1 Step -1
If (temp And 1) = 1 Then
temp = CUInt((temp >> 1) Xor poly)
temp >>= 1
End If
table(i) = temp
End Sub
Public Shared Function ComputeChecksum(ByVal bytes As Byte()) As UInteger
Dim crc As UShort = &HFFFFUI 'Initial value of CRC
For i As Integer = 0 To bytes.Length - 1
Dim index As Byte = CByte(((crc) And &HFF) Xor bytes(i))
crc = CUInt((crc >> 8) Xor table(index))
Return Not crc
End Function
End Class
End Module
This code was tested in Visual Studio 2013. Just create a new console application and copy the following.
Imports System.Text
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim btarray As Byte()
btarray = {&H40, &H40, &H1E, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, _
&H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, _
&H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H12, &HE}
Do While True 'Wait forever
End Sub
Public Class Crc32
Shared table As UInteger()
Shared Sub New()
Dim poly As UInteger = &H8408UI 'Starting polynomial used by Sinocastel
table = New UInteger(255) {}
Dim temp As UInteger = 0
For i As UInteger = 0 To table.Length - 1
temp = i
For j As Integer = 8 To 1 Step -1
If (temp And 1) = 1 Then
temp = CUInt((temp >> 1) Xor poly)
temp >>= 1
End If
table(i) = temp
End Sub
Public Shared Function ComputeChecksum(ByVal bytes As Byte()) As UInteger
Dim crc As UShort = &HFFFFUI 'Initial value of CRC
For i As Integer = 0 To bytes.Length - 1
Dim index As Byte = CByte(((crc) And &HFF) Xor bytes(i))
crc = CUInt((crc >> 8) Xor table(index))
Return Not crc
End Function
End Class
End Module
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